Dealing with this CoVID-19 pandemic might be stressful,but here are 18 P's you can do to cope up
There’s an old Filipino slogan that goes like ‘Ang taong gipit, kahit sa patalim kumakapit’. But a Christian quote says too, ‘Ang Kristiyanong gipit, kay Kristo kumakapit’.
Then get down on your knees and beg for God’s mercy, protection and Divine intervention. Let God be your first line of defense. Ask for the Almighty’s protection.

Pray hard
Don’t let the enemy use the pandemic virus to bring you down, keep the faith. Claim and hold on to God’s promises and entrust everything to Him.
CoVID-19 is an unseen enemy, and only another unseen can fight this–the Spirit of the Living God.
God’s got this CoVID-19!
Praise God because there are reasons why He allow this thing to happen.
God is joyful and blessed when He hears the praises of His people, especially in times like these, and He will certainly bless us as well.
Protect yourself, your household, your relatives, and everyone else. Remain at home and when you need to go out, clothe yourself with a protective mask, disposable plastic gloves, a raincoat if possible, and a small bottle of alcohol while you do the next item.
Practice social distancing if you can’t avoid going out, especially when you ran out of any necessities at home.
Upon getting home, PRACTICE good hygiene. Remove your mask and throw it directly to a separate garbage bin for used masks. Don’t go inside yet–not until you’ve disinfected all the stuff you bought and yourself. Taking a bath after a supply run is a must. It would be more beneficial if you can exercise it before coming back inside the house.
Prepare for the worst, but always hope for the best! This does not mean that you lack faith and anticipate that you will be infected with the virus. Besides, it’s better to always be prepared.
Remember the DOH CoVID’s protocols.
Check the symptoms you are experiencing if those are valid symptoms to be a PUI/PUM
If you have a recent and a close encounter with a CoVID patient, self-quarantine.
Get the number to call and/or the persons-in-charge in your locality if you have all the symptoms. They will advise you what to do next.
Prepare the things that you will possibly need. ID, etc.
Paint the future by focusing on the aftermath of this pandemic. Paint your imagination with better days waiting for everyone after this chapter.
With all the things we are learning from CoVid’s pestilence, God is doing a great revival on His people. We now know the specific public officials who hold true to their promises, fighting with us through all our country’s challenges, and serve us as we all endure and face this crisis.
Yes, for now suspend and hold all outdoor activities you’ve planned. This is not the time to enjoy the summertime season, go to the beach, socialize, nor travel to business meetings with anyone. PEND everything right now, unless you have the option to do it while staying indoors.
While waiting to #flattenthecurve, plan what you are going to do next. List down all your pending tasks and PLAN now through setting your priorities. This helps you to concentrate on the future and cut entirely the negative vibes with every untoward circumstance happening around us.
Stay sane, get hold of your vitamins. Due to our busy schedules, our lifestyle might have been compromised already. Since we are all staying at home, do your best to prepare and consume healthy foods. If you’re missing home-cooked meals, you have all the time to prepare and enjoy them now.
If you want to have a good immune system, you need to be in good shape as well. No excuses now, a full workout plan at home is not difficult to achieve these days. There are lots of online videos available on how to practice yoga, Zumba, and other physical fitness activities.
Aside from good food and workouts, whether you are working from home or unavailable to work offsite, God might be telling you to slow down a bit and get that home vacation you deserve. PLUNGE yourself to bed and get that 8-hour sleep you’ve been yearning for. It’s time to get all the rest you need to take care of your immune system. Word of advice! Do not oversleep though, because you might get used to it!
Relaxation does not always mean resting through sleep, but for me, it also means to pause for any stressful activity you’re doing. How exactly should I p-l-a-y?
Play a guitar or any musical instrument.
Play mobile games, who knows, it might not be too late for you to find out how to play MOBILE LEGENDS ha-ha.
Play with your furry friends.
Play with your talent, sign up now on TikTok ha-ha.
Play your fave board games.
It’s time to reconnect with your friends and relatives. Call or chat them to ask them how they are getting along.
Aside from PLUNGE and PLAY, it’s time to PAMPER yourself and your family. It’s time to make up for the lost time or make moments with them while all of you are staying at home.
Take your time when bathing, get that long shower you’ve been craving for. Deep cleanse your face and body. Put on those calming cold beauty masks, get a foot spa in the comfort of your home (it’s time to improvise if you don’t
To pamper your family, ask yourself, when was the last time you made a contribution in helping with household chores? Clean the house or help your mom in doing the general cleaning, do the laundry, iron clothes, cook a special menu for the family, etc.
Bored? It’s time to have fun! Party with your family inside the house!
Whether you have a microphone or not, you can sing along and jam with the karaoke and minus one pieces in YouTube.
You can even do a dance showdown haha
How about a movie party? It’s time to catch up with your favorite movie/series and binge watch with your family.
While confined at home, aside from helping out with the house chores, be as creative and productive as you can.
Organize your home stuff, files, photos, and videos from your laptop or smartphone to declutter and free up some space.
This might be a good time to learn a new task–new menu to cook, crochet, bake, etc.
Resume with your past plans and projects at home. For dads, now might be a good time to work on fixes and maintenance you’ve been planning all these years.
For working moms or ladies on a self-improvement project and who are longing to learn how to put make-up, Make those eyebrows firece girl! it’s a good time to master our make-up skills.
PAY attention
During this global crisis, pay attention to the needs of others. If you can’t help them, at least be sensitive. This is not the time to show off and make others feel that you are more privileged than them. Be compassionate and show some love.
Pay attention to the news and updates all the time.
You’ve learned a lot during this pandemic crisis, do you give up now or you PUSH for a better you?
Spread positivity and love instead of panic and fear. Don’t share and scare people with fake news. Be vigilant, but also try your best to be always at peace. Do not be anxious and stressed, it could complicate everything. Being composed, brave, and at peace reflects your trust and faith in God’s Supreme Power and Authority.
With God, we can do this!
As part of Mommy Bloggers Philippines blog hop this March, my fellow mommy bloggers would like to share their tips as well on how to cope up with CoVID stress. You may check their inspirational posts below:
How to be Productive while Working From Home by Mommy Ginger
18 P’s You Need During This COVID-19 Pandemic (Pinterest)
5 Ways To Fight Stress During The COVID-19 Outbreak by MumWrites
God is Bigger than COVID-19 by Tipid Mommy
5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity During COVID-19 by Mommy Mhownai
How a Positive Mindset Alleviates Anxiety During the COVID -19 Crisis by All Around Pinay Mama
Life in the Time of COVID by Hits and Mrs Ph
Community Quarantine + Oratio Imperata by MajLife
Pause, Praise and Pray by Tweenselmom
Stay safe and let’s keep on praying !
The first two p are most important
Such a lovely round up… And I agree with all! Need to make the best of this time:)
We really need all these during this time. With God on our side, we’ll be alright.
Yes to all of that. Thank you for a lovely positive post.
I love your list of Ps because they are terrific reminders to all of us to create balance during this pandemic. Psalm 91 is a favorite
You can say that again! I agree pandemic brings out a lot and it is needed to brace yourself with your p-s. Patience is my most vital point
You are the first post I stop by this morning, and it gives me hope. Thank you for the nice reminder. Today I am choosing to Pray, Play, and Pamper.
All the P’s you have mentioned, not only help during pandemic but during normal days too. but now it workslike a reminder…
This was a great list for this time period. I especially loved the play and party ones.
We are living in uncertain times and for me who is suffering from clinical depression, there are days that are not good at all. I miss my grandson so much. I wish I could play with him again soon. I will take your advice and put these Ps into practice. Hopefully it will help ease the worry.
All great tips! Pray, Plan, Push, Prepare… I’m definitely doing most of these even though I’ve neglected some workouts.
with this great list you surely have spread some of the positivity and love that you spoke about. I am glad that you also mentioned getting enough sleep – so important to stay healthy – not only for yourself but for those you love – blessings!
Great list! I’m feeling the need to spread positivity right now. I agree with play also, we need play in our lives!
Wow, that’s a lot of P’s. I’m all up for protecting my lot and playing, we play on the wii and other games the kids have.
Play is just what we all need right now to relax!
These are some great P’s to remember during this time – I think we all need to remember things to be thankful for and to praise those looking out for us, while trying to think peaceful thoughts for ourselves.
I love what you did here with all the P’s. Pend is one that stuck out to me. We had a family vacation planned and my in laws still want to go to our rented beach house. I am feeling differently.
I love the play one, we all need a little fun moments to help us with the stress
wow! A lot of positive P actions that I can and should do during this period!
How did you come up with all of these? Haha. Lists and uplifting posts such as this never get old. We constantly need reminding so we don’t give up during this sad pandemic.
Having a positive outlook can make a big difference. I think it is so important to be grateful for what we have and to try and protect ourselves and each other!
This is a really great list to keep track of and is easy to remember. It is not an easy time we are facing.
This is a cool idea for a post! My Ps have been productivity and positivity! Hopefully this all ends soon
I love your concept on this. It’s really inspiring.
This is all such great advice. I have been trying to do a lot of these to stay safe!
I am ALL about that PAMPERING and PLAYING – haha!
These are some great p’s to remember. I always play with my furry friends. I do ot pray enough but I do rely on my religion for support.
I like your insight
These tips look amazing!
What a creative idea for a post – I loved it!
This post is useful to everyone! It made me feel much better and reassured me that these difficult times are not going to be here forever .W
e have got to stay positive.
Your article is very resourceful and to the point…just what we need right now. Thanks
This article is inspiration. Just have to do the positives during this period. Thanks for sharing
This is very helpful, Mommy Sol! Kailangang mabasa ito ng mga taong sobra na ang stress at anxiety na dinadala due to our present crisis. Maraming salamat for sharing your thoughts. Nakagagaan ng damdamin.
We need all ways we can to combat this Covid19 and the best way is to wait for the vaccine. While we wait for the next 18months, we improvised and think positive!
Wow, great list! 🙂 Very creative you are.
Really nice list of “P”. But I like the last sentence more— with God, we can do this. Nice post.
I really like this post. Definitely we need more of these Ps.
that’s a whole lot of P’s! I agree with each “P” you’ve mentioned above, all are important ; )
This is such a cute post and I agree with every single one of them, especially praise!
I love this post! Your writting is so captivating and the idea is brilliant! Hope you and your family stay safe during this time
Great reminders. I need to work on pampering myself a little more through all of this, that’s one that I know that I have allowed to slip far too often. I think I need to carve out some time each day just to focus on me for a change. I’m going to start that tomorrow!
wow. so resourceful mind! for all of us, we really need positivity in this time of darkness. as bloggers, lets use this platform to share light and positivity to other people 🙂 thank you for your contribution.
Great Postive advice here for this difficult time. We are all facing this together and will come out of it stronger.
I like this! Very good way remember how to protect your family and yourself during this period. It’s funy we are getting to learn each other better as a family through this and it has made us spiritually stronger as a unit